Here are the latest pages from the international sections of The files from _ONE_ "wikilib.d" directory should be placed into the pmwiki/wikilib.d directory on your server. The UTF-8 encoding can display all languages. It is newer than ISO-8859-* encodings and is currently not enabled in PmWiki by default. In the future, PmWiki will switch to UTF-8 encoding by default, but currently many sites still use the older encodings. All international pages for all languages exist in the UTF-8 encoding. For some languages which were formerly in their older encodings, we provide backwards- compatible files. New wiki installations: use the files from the UTF-8 subdirectory. Existing wiki installations: use the files from the subdirectory that corresponds to the encoding of your wiki: * if we have _only_ UTF-8 files for your language, use them * for a ISO-* wiki, use the files from the ISO-* subdirectory * for a UTF-8 wiki, use the files from the UTF-8 subdirectory * if you don't know what is your encoding, and there is an ISO-* directory, you should probably use the files from the ISO-* directory, otherwise from UTF-8 Please report bugs here: Petko Yotov